EAUC Members represented on Green League Oversight Group

People & Planet strives to make the compilation of its Green League as tr...
People & Planet strives to make the compilation of its Green League as transparent and rigorous as possible each year.

Each year, a Green League Oversight Group (GLOG) is recruited from among sector stakeholders, with members selected to represent the widest possible diversity of the sector in terms of:

The GLOG has a remit of providing:

• Advisory capacity to People & Planet Green League team.
• Consensus position to assist People & Planet rather than each university looking out for their own interests.
• Consultation over wording, evidence requirements and weighting of different criteria.
• Role in validation of Green League – eg. helping to design and agree on an Appeal • Process by which universities check scoring before publication.
• Scoring – provide advice on evidence requirements for each criteria.

The first GLOG meeting takes place today (12 November) and EAUC Members are represented by David Somervell, Sustainability Adviser from University of Edinburgh and member of the EAUC Board.

We'll keep you updated on the group and how you are represented shortly.

Find out more about the Green League Oversight Group
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