Bournemouth University Hosts Green Week

This week, Bournemouth University is hosting its Green Week. As part ...
This week, Bournemouth University is hosting its Green Week.

As part of the initiative, students and staff are being invited to join in with a whole range of activities, from testing out an electric vehicle on campus to finding out more about local voluntary work.

Each day has a theme to reflect a variety of sustainable messages and you can keep up to date by following @Sustainable_BU on Twitter or liking the Facebook page and using #BUGreenWeek2015.

Below are some of the highlights of the week, but you can take a look at the Green Week timetable and the volunteering calendar. There will also be a daily selfie competition running on Twitter; get involved with @Sustainable_BU.

Monday 23 November – Waste

Noon – 2pm, Student Centre: Bournemouth Borough Council will be on hand to provide information about how to recycle at home
Noon, Student Centre: The Performing Arts Society will host a secret event
Volunteering activity: plant trees with AUB
Tuesday 24 November – Water

Noon – 2pm, Student Centre: Stands from Dorset Coastal Activities, Bournemouth Water and Boat Club Information Stand
11am – 2pm, Studland House Costa: BU Co-Wheels vehicle for short term student hire – come along to find out about free student membership and a £10 driving credit

10pm – 3am, The Old Fire Station: Student Switch Off Party

Volunteering activity: Beach Clean
Wednesday 25 November – Food and launch of the BU reusable coffee cup

From Wednesday, BU reusable coffee cups will be available from food and drink outlets on campus for £3.70. Every time you use your BU coffee cup you’ll receive a 20p discount off any medium sized hot drink. BU throws away over 400,000 cups a year - help reduce this number by buying a reusable BU coffee cup.
10am – 12:30pm, Student Centre: Sustainable food cities
Noon – 2pm, Student Centre: Reducetarian Network recipes, free food and information stands
Noon – 2pm, Student Centre: Make a fruit smoothie using pedal power
Noon – 2pm, The Old Fire Station: Bournemouth Borough Council will be on hand to provide information about how to recycle at home
Volunteering activity: Slade’s Farm Community Garden
Thursday 26 November – Travel; Leave your car at home day

BU is encouraging students to think about their travel behaviour today and try out a different way of travelling to BU.
8:30am – 4pm, Cranborne House bike compound: Doctor Bike service
10:30am – 3pm, Poole House Atrium: Electric Vehicle information and short test drive event (must be over 21 and present a full clean UK driving license)
11am – 2pm, Poole House Atrium: BU Co-Wheels vehicle for short term student hire – come along to find out about free student membership and a £10 driving credit
11am – 2pm, Studland House café: Yellow Buses will be promoting the 10% discount on advanced fare products
1pm – 2pm, PG146: BU Lift Share Information event specifically for Wimborne, Canford Magna, Corfe Mullen, Broadstone and Merley areas. Lunch will be provided. To find out more contact or sign up to the free BU lift share tool to find a lift share partner.
4pm – 6pm, Cranborne House bike compound & Dorset House compound: Free bike lights and high visibility backpack covers will be handed out
Volunteering activity: Slade’s Farm Community Garden
Friday 27 November – Energy

Noon – 2pm, Student Centre: Student Switch Off sign up and information stand
Noon – 2pm, Poole House Atrium: Green Impact sign up and information. BU has signed up to the National Union of Student’s Green Impact - this is an environmental accreditation and awards scheme where teams use an online workbook to make simple, tangible and powerful changes in behaviour.
Volunteering activity: Create a parade banner for the climate march organised by SUBU on Saturday 28 November

Find out more about BU’s environmental responsibilities - and how you can help - on the BU website.

And finally - don't forget on Saturday 28 November

12pm, Bournemouth Pier Approach: Climate March - Join SUBU in the centre of Bournemouth marching ahead of COP21 in Paris

News Source: Bournemouth University
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