Topic Support Network: Travel and Transport

Date 12 December 2014 11:00 - 14:30
Venue Dalhousie Building, University of Dundee
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Transport plays a crucial role in meeting the current challenges to reduce greenhouse gas emissions in the UK and sustainable travel initiatives offer an opportunity to make a real contribution by decarbonising transport. Sustainable travel initiatives play a key role in delivering local objectives around health, congestion, air quality, education, economic development and social inclusion. This TSN meets to share these ideas and offer support to those at all stages of this journey.

Our partnership with Act TravelWise allows sharing with others from beyond the tertiary education sector - with private, public and third sector organisations - while also retaining time for HE and FE specific discussions.

The Agenda for our meeting can be found below.

If you have any suggestions for topics to discuss or potential speakers then please contact Trudy Cunningham, one of our Travel and Transport TSN Convenors, on

LiFE Framework: Travel and Transport
EAUC Competency Level: All (what does this mean?)

If you would like to register your attendance at the event please do so below.

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