The Carbon Scenario Tool - Workshop

Date 29 June 2016 13:00 - 16:00
Venue B1.09 Outreach Centre, University of Edinburgh, Holyrood Road, EH8 8FP
Download Calendar Event

The Carbon Scenario Tool has been developed as a joint funded project between the University of Edinburgh and the Scottish Funding Council. The tool was designed principally to manage, report and forecast carbon emissions for the University’s estate and operations. It contains the facility to produce both a forecast based on known estate changes and also a less data-intensive scenario, based on growth patterns in student and staff numbers and floor area.

A blank version of the tool is available for use by other higher and further education establishments. The outputs of the Carbon Scenario Tool enable organisations to better understand the drivers of carbon emissions from their operations and help inform Climate Change plans, as well as strategic decisions regarding investment in future estate and the impact of potential projects.

This free workshop, funded by EAUC-Scotland and the University of Edinburgh and led by Clare Wharmby from Carbon Forecast Ltd, will provide an introduction to the tool background, structure and capabilities and a live demonstration of how to build a carbon scenario. The workshop will also involve discussion with participants about how to interpret and use the outputs, in the context of strategic decision making.

Please note we will also be running a webinar on the tool, with full information available here.

Delivered by EAUC