The Sustainable Institutions Project: An Evidence Informed Review of Good Practice dissemination

Date 29 February 2024 12:30 - 13:30
Venue Webinar
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What progress are universities making in becoming sustainable institutions? A lot of work on sustainability is in silos, and there is untapped potential aligning activity in teaching, research, estates and engagement. They will share the headline findings from an evidence-based review of current practice: a systematic literature review and five detailed case studies. These are Cardiff Met, Falmouth, Wageningen, Deakin, and Sharjah.  
Every university is different, and operates within a particular set of legal, economic and cultural constraints. However, this research offers insights which will help universities at many different stages in their sustainability journey. This session is especially relevant for sustainability managers, local champions, people with a leadership role in teaching and research, and those working in civic outreach and engagement. 

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