GEO-6 Technical Summary Webinar

Date 17 December 2020 14:00 - 15:30
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The Technical Summary of GEO-6 distills the science and data in the main report and synthesizes the information to make it more accessible to students and scientists, making it more useful both for teaching and learning at the university level.

The objective of the webinar is the presentation of the key findings and a discussion on how these can be integrated in courses at the university level. Panelists will include university professors who have participated in the GEO process and use GEO as teaching tool, to discuss their experience and provide advice and lesson learned for university students and lecturers.

The session is expected to:

Inform and educate the various stakeholders (scientists, academics, education experts, university lecturers and students) on the main findings of GEO-6
Show how GEO-6 and its findings can be incorporated into teaching plans and approach
Raise awareness on the GEO process

The webinar agenda covers the following areas:

Introductions and overview of GEO (moderator Pierre Boileau, UNEP) – 3 mins

Overview findings of the Technical Summary report (Prof. Paul Ekins, University College London, UK) – 12 mins
Teaching GEO at the University Level (Various speakers) -
Prof. Joyeeta Gupta - University of Amsterdam, The Netherlands – 10 mins
1st Q&A session - 15 mins
Prof. Asma Abahussain – Arabian Gulf University, Bahrain – 10 mins
Prof. Cai Mantang– Peking University, China – 10 mins
Prof. Sarah Green - Michigan Technological University, USA – 10 mins

2nd Q&A session (15 minutes)
Thank you and closing

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