Air pollution - local contexts - universal effects

Date 6 March 2019 12:30 - 13:30
Venue Webinar
Download Calendar Event

Air pollution is not only a major global environmental problem, but also represents the single largest environmental risk to health globally. Alongside contributing to chronic illness, estimates are that 2 million people die every year from air pollution exposure. Both globally and within countries and local communities, there are significant differences and inequalities in air pollution exposure and related health risks.
This webinar will examine the cultural drivers of increased air pollution and state and community-based responses to the problem. In what ways do cultural contexts matter in relation to health and air pollution? How might international, national and community level policy responses to air pollution and health be informed by cultural contexts approaches and interdisciplinary research? How can communities living with the highest levels of air pollution, for example those living in informal settlements, be involved in research and policy-making to improve air quality?

For full details, click here.
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