Combined Heat and Power (CHP) workshops - Salix Finance

Date 24 November 2017 09:30 - 16:00
Venue University of Birmingham
Download Calendar Event

Salix Finance is pleased to announce three CPD certified Combined Heat and Power (CHP) workshops in November and December 2017.

The CHP workshops are free to attend and are open to all public sector organisations. They are an excellent opportunity to learn more about CHP, including best practise for their design and operation, and will provide an opportunity for attendees to meet and share knowledge with peers. Salix will also discuss how its interest-free loans can be utilised to help with the upfront costs of installation.

Over £38 million of Salix interest-free loans have been used for the installation of CHP to provide high efficiency heat and power generation to UK public sector buildings, bringing estimated annual savings of over £10 million on energy bills. Last year saw a record number of these Salix funded CHP projects completing, with a total of £14 million of funding utilised throughout the public sector.

For further information, including a workshop agenda please visit:

Please note that places are limited. To express your interest in attending please email

If you are unable to attend any of these dates, Salix are also holding regional meetings across England from October to December. For more information please visit:

Alternatively, please get in touch with Salix as they are happy to arrange a one to one meeting at a more convenient time.
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