Overcoming Challenges & Solutions with Scope 3 commuter emissions

Date 4 October 2023 11:00 - 12:00
Venue Online
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Together with Mobilityways, UK's leading experts in decarbonising the commute, EAUC is hosting a webinar about a range of challenges associated with Scope 3 commuter emissions at HE/FE institutions. Join Mobilityways and a line-up of panellists on 4th October 11am, as they discuss three core issues: the importance of quality data, securing key stakeholder buy-in, and how to engage staff and students to influence behaviour change.

Join Mobilityways and a line up of speakers and panellists as they discuss a range of topics, including

  • measuring and reducing commuter emissions,
  • sustainable transport hierarchy,
  • car park management systems,
  • electric vehicle schemes,
  • and how to engage staff/students and influence behaviour change.

For a case study on how Mobilityways has already partnered with HE institutions on this, you can find a recording of "Tackling Commuter Emissions at UK Higher Education Institutions" discussion 

You can find the recording of the webinar and the presentation from Mobilityways below:

Delivered by EAUC