Topic Support Network: Education for Sustainable Development

Date 4 December 2014 10:00 - 13:00
Venue Large Boardroom, Queen Margaret University
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In a combined higher and further education event, join others working in education for sustainability at the end of the UN Decade of Education for Sustainable Development as we reflect on what has happened, where we are now, and our next steps for the new decade.

Betsy King from Learning for Sustainability Scotland will feedback from the UN DESD Conferences in Japan, and Besty and Dr Rehema White will share learning and reflections from the LfS Scotland End of Decade Conference at the Scottish Government in October. Andy Samuel from Abertay will update on the new QAA HEA Publication and work going on at Abertay University on ESD, and HE Convenor Mike Pretious will talk about how sustainability is being integrated within the curriculum at Queen Margaret University. FE Convenor John Salter will also lead a discussion on increasing the dialogue between Colleges and Universities on Education for Sustainable Development.

In addition, there will be time to discuss current issues, events and developments in the sector around community engagement. If you would like to suggest an item for the agenda please email

LiFE Framework: Learning and Teaching / Research
EAUC Competency Level: All (what does this mean?)

Find a full agenda below.

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