Topic Support Network: Waste Management

Date 26 November 2014 10:30 - 14:30
Venue Dalhousie Building, University of Dundee
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This TSN focuses on the waste management and disposal practices within institutions. The group looks to share good practice, discuss new relevant legislation and ensure waste is handled in such a way that it does not harm the environment - whether this be through the minimisation of waste produced or reducing the overall amount the ends in land fill.

The FHE sector has a huge role to play in promoting and achieving sustainable development. Effective waste management can play a major part in reducing impacts on the enviornment and resources. 

This event will include sessions on packaging and reverse logistics, awards, best practice, guidance, training and new regulations in waste management. We are currently formalising the Agenda for this meeting, which will be uploaded soon. If you have any suggestions for topics to discuss or potential speakers then please contact

LiFE Framework: Resource Efficiency and Waste
EAUC Competency Level: All (what does this mean?)

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