Topic Support Network: Travel and Transport

Date 15 April 2013 11:00 - 14:30
Venue University of Dundee
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Topic Support Networks are free to attend (both for EAUC members and non members) and provide a fantastic opportunity to come together and share good practice, network and gain updates on a specific sustainability subject that is relevant to Scottish Colleges and Universities.

This group meets with ACT Travelwise Scotland, therefore bringing together the FHE sector, NHS, Local Authorities and private sector groups to discuss and share good practice in a move towards sustainable travel. 

Please find the agenda below. If you would like to attend please register a place by following the link, alternatively please contact Alex Henderson, Scotland Project Officer,

Room 1G10, Dalhousie Building, University of Dundee.

For campus map click here.

11am - 2.30pm

Delivered by EAUC