
The EAUC plays an active policy and advocacy role, working to ensure the systems and frameworks which shape the post-16 education sector are supporting, embedding and driving sustainability action. 

We aim to create an enabling environment for our members' sustainability work whilst also actively re-imagining what the education system looks like so we're maximising sustainability outcomes: equipping learners for their lives and shaping society for the better. 

Our consultation responses are listed below in the download section, with our most recent at the top.


Download file changes_to_the_college_performanceindicators_consultation_response_-_july_24_1.pdf
EAUC Scotland - Changes to the SFC College Performance Indicators consultation response - July 2024 (177Kb)
Download file 20240517_qaa_quality_code_consultation_eauc_response_final.pdf
QAA Quality Code consultation response May 2024 (587Kb)
Download file n_-_draft_guidance_and_general_determination_for_teacher_qualification_in_further_education_tqfe.pdf
EAUC Scotland response - Draft guidance and general determination for Teacher Qualification in Further Education (TQFE) consultation (37Kb)
Download file scottish_national_adaptation_plan_3_consultation_response.pdf
EAUC Scotland Response: Scottish National Adaptation Plan 3 consultation (73Kb)
Download file eauc_scotland_response_-_wellbeing_and_sustainable_development_scotland_bill.pdf
EAUC Scotland Response: Wellbeing and Sustainable Development (Scotland) Bill (53Kb)
Download file desnz_scope_3_call_for_evidence_-_eauc_response_-_dec_2023.pdf
EAUC Response: Scope 3 emissions in the UK reporting landscape Dec 2023 (251Kb)
Download file 20230909_eauc_response_to_ukri_concordat_consultation_1.pdf
EAUC Response to the UKRI Consultation on the Concordat for Environmental Sustainability Sept 2023 (157Kb)
Download file eauc_scotland_national_outcomes_call_for_evidence.pdf
EAUC Scotland response to National Outcomes call for evidence June 2023 (222Kb)
Download file national_discussion_for_future_of_scottish_education_consultation_letter.pdf
EAUC-Scotland response to National Discussion on Scottish Education - summary letter - December 2022 (199Kb)
Download file eauc-s_national_discussion_response.pdf
EAUC-Scotland response to National Discussion on Scottish Education - survey - December 2022 (34Kb)
Download file gtcs_provisional_lecturer_registration_standards_consultation.pdf
EAUC-S and LFSS response to GTCS provisional college lecturer registration standards consultation (165Kb)
Download file eauc_response_-_net_zero_review_-_call_for_evidence_-_oct_2022.pdf
Response to BEIS Net Zero Review - Oct 2022 (198Kb)
Download file eauc_response_-_ons_green_jobs_definition_-_oct_2022.pdf
ONS Green Jobs Definition (Oct 2022) (34Kb)
Download file nse_to_consultation_on_delivering_scotlands_circular_economy_circular_economy_bill_-_august_2022.pdf
EAUC Scotland response to Consultation on Delivering Scotland’s circular economy (Circular Economy Bill) - August 2022 (32Kb)
Download file consultation_on_advance_he_proffessional_standrds_framework_update-_july_2022.pdf
Consultation on Advance HE professional Standards Framework Review- July 2022 (118Kb)
Download file and_response_to_scottish_government_-_resource_spending_review_framework_consultation_march_2022.pdf
EAUC Scotland response to Scottish Government Resource Spending Review Framework Consultation - March 2022 (180Kb)
Download file onsultation_on_proposals_to_ban_commonly_littered_single-use_plastic_items_in_england_-_feb_2022.pdf
Consultation on proposals to ban commonly littered single-use plastic items in England - Feb 2022 (180Kb)
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