Wigan & Leigh College

Wigan & Leigh College has been working to become a more sustainable organisation for over 10 years. Progress has not always been as fast or as comprehensive as the key champions would like but a recent review does indicate that some aspects are now firmly embedded. There is growing support from the Senior Management team demonstrated in the ratification of a new Sustainable Development Policy in July 2008 and the inclusion of a Strategic Objective to implement the Policy.

Waste Management

A cost effective solution to waste management has now been achieved.

• All hazardous wastes are segregated out of the waste stream and recycled where feasible.
• General waste is collected by a local contractor with a materials recycling facility, located between the main campuses. This has resulted in 65% - 70% of the general waste, excluding paper, being recycled.
• Clean office paper is collected separately and taken by the local Council at no cost to College.
• Mobile phones are collected by the student association for a local charity.
• Toner cartridges are collected to comply with hazardous waste regulations free of charge.

Waste Minimisation

Waste minimisation is promoted through the developing central procurement procedures, controlling the purchase of items such as furniture and IT equipment.

Education for Sustainable Development

Participation in the current Learning Skills Council & EAUC project to promote Education for Sustainable development (ESD) has encouraged action. A working group of teaching staff identified as already embedding ESD is developing a programme to spread good practice across College.

Energy management

• Systems to measure consumption and facilitate analysis of use are now in place.
• A renewed ‘switch off’ campaign to encourage better local management of energy use is currently underway. Energy saving posters have been displayed alongside the legally required Energy Performance Certificates.

Travel Plan

• The College has renewed it link with the local Council for help in implementing the updated College Travel Plan. Activities related to the ‘Healthy College’ and ‘Every Person Matters’ agenda are facilitating this.
• The car park management system using a local clamping company and the introduction of an annual car parking fee is embedded.

Main Contact Name: Gillian Sinnott, Head of Environmental Services
Main Contact Email & Telephone: [email protected] and 01942 761172
Further information/website: www.wigan-leigh.ac.uk 
Share with us: www.twitter.com/wiganleighcol www.facebook.com/wiganleighcollege

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