SHED aims high

The Sustainability in Higher Education Developers (SHED) group has been growi...
The Sustainability in Higher Education Developers (SHED) group has been growing steadily since it was launched in April 2009. Now with more than 300 members, the majority of whom are also EAUC Members, SHED is the leading cross-sector Community of Practice in the area of Education for Sustainability (EfS).

Education for Sustainability helps educational organisations develop a curriculum and teaching style that gives students the skills and knowledge to live and work more sustainably.

As a joint collaboration between the Environmental Association for Universities and Colleges (EAUC) and the Higher Education Academy (HEA), the group is convened by Simon Kemp (Higher Education Academy).

To reflect changing times and to ensure that the entire membership is included in its scope and mission, the convenors of SHED recently undertook a consultation process with its members to develop a detailed statement of the aims of the group. This has now been completed and is available at

The new (short and snappy) aims of the SHED group are:

• disseminating information about Education for Sustainability (EfS) in Higher and Further Education

• stimulating discussion about the principles behind EfS

• holding up a critical lens to the concept of EfS and its alternatives

• connecting EfS to wider educational concerns such as leadership and global citizenship

• sharing and monitoring strategies for organisational change.

One suggestion that emerged from the consultation was to improve communication within the group through the use of a blog, where members can constantly share ideas and create and maintain a dialogue. This is currently being constructed and will be available shortly, so watch this space. Over the coming months, we’ll be featuring some of the group’s blogs so get in touch if you’d like to contribute.

Iain Patton, CEO of the EAUC, said “The consultation with SHED Members was vital, especially at such an important time. Not only has it highlighted some areas for improvement but it has also created a comprehensive statement of aims for the group to work to. With these as a basis, I’m sure SHED will continue to go from strength to strength.”

The SHED group is available for anyone to join, so for more information and details of how to join the group, visit

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