NUS project canvassing the views of student on issues relating to each SDG launches

Over the next 17 months NUS will be asking students for their views related t...
Over the next 17 months NUS will be asking students for their views related to each of the SDGs.
There are 17 Goals that are an internationally agreed set of goals focusing on elements of sustainable development. Each government has signed up to, and are responsible for, taking action to achieve them both nationally and internationally. 

Each month NUS will be canvassing the views of students on a number of issues related to each goal as well as tracking opinions on the most pressing issues linked to the goals facing the UK and the world today. This first report is focused on goal 1 - No poverty.

Here at the EAUC we have facilitated the SDG Accord which is the University and College Sector’s Collective Response to the Sustainable Development Goals.

First it is to inspire, celebrate and advance the critical role that education has in delivering the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and the value it brings to governments, business and wider society.
Secondly, the Accord is a commitment learning institutions are making to one another to do more to deliver the goals, to annually report on each signatory's progress, and to do so in ways which share the learning with each other both nationally and internationally. An objective is that sector SDG reporting metrics will be presented at the annual UN High Level Political Forum.

Sign the Accord here.
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