Join the National Conversation on 'The Wales We Want'

Let your voice be heard Be part of the biggest conversation taking place ...

Let your voice be heard

Be part of the biggest conversation taking place in Wales. The National Conversation will hear directly from the people of Wales about the most important issues for them in improving their lives and those of their families, communities and businesses.

It is an opportunity to look beyond the short term pressures of daily life and focus on the long term legacy. The National Conversation on 'The Wales We Want' is a pilot project following the Minister for Communities and Tackling Poverty, Jeff Cuthbert AM, asking the Commissioner for Sustainable Futures, Peter Davies, to enhance our understanding about the long term issues that future generations in Wales might face.

At the heart of the conversation will be Future Champions - people who can help keep the conversation going locally, regionally, nationally and collectively enable as many voices of Wales to be heard. This summer the proposed Future Generations Bill is being introduced by Welsh Government, and the national conversation will set the agenda for the action that the devolved public service, in particular, can take.

Join the conversation on the Wales We Want for our future generations.
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