EAUC Governance Review

Information For Full EAUC Members Only EAUC membership, staff, turnover an...
Information For Full EAUC Members Only

EAUC membership, staff, turnover and activity has grown significantly in the last three years. In March 2009 the EAUC Board took the decision to review its governance to ensure it was fit for purpose and the Constitution still appropriate.

The process has concluded that the EAUC Constitution is still broadly valid (with one exception), but that our governance will benefit from 2 actions.

1) That the Board (and members and staff) will benefit from better access to a wider range of insight, skills and knowledge to achieve the organisation’s strategic vision and plan, and
2) That EAUC governance is presented in a clearer more transparent way so that Members are better aware of how they can contribute to and lead the organisation.

The paper below outlines how we will address these two actions.

The EAUC seeks its Members’ comments on this paper. Also the Board now seeks to appoint up to 3 new members who, following the Board’s review of governance, will help to bring the necessary skills and experience to the organisation to complement and further strengthen the current Board.

Please send your comments on the paper to [email protected] to be received by Thursday 15th October 2009. The deadline for applications to become a Board Member is 18th November.
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