China Europe 2020: Climate Change Challenge - Partnership forum, 19 November

Since the 1992 UN Earth Summit in Rio, the EU has taken the lead in implement...
Since the 1992 UN Earth Summit in Rio, the EU has taken the lead in implementing the Kyoto Protocol, imperative for the low carbon, clean energy & technology transition, through leader summits and the recent EU-China Mayor’s Forum. There is a growing partnership developing at all levels to accelerate awareness and actions for mutual benefit.

China is emerging as the world’s major economy and GHG polluter with devastating climate change consequences, at home and internationally. This is compelling a paradigm shift for investment in resource efficiency, smart low carbon cities and communities, together with renewable energy technologies.
China–Europe 2020: Climate Change Challenge is a city/regions and UK initiative's response to their joint agreements, promoting mutual understanding, synergies and partnerships addressing the biggest threat to life on earth.

Taking place on Monday 19 November 2012, the Partnership Forum will reflect and promote this with a range of presentations in two morning plenary sessions. After lunch, there will be three focussed parallel workshops maximising participation and commitment for implementation. It will feature and support existing organisations and projects to complement rather than duplicated.
EAUC Members can attend the special rate of £45+VAT. Find out more about the forum and download the registration form here.
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