Breakfast Forum: ‘The Benefits of Carbon Reporting’

On Friday 29 November, around thirty delegates attended a breakfast forum on ...
On Friday 29 November, around thirty delegates attended a breakfast forum on the benefits of carbon reporting. Run by CICS, the sustainability assurance provider and EAUC Gold member, the forum included presentations and breakout sessions.

After an introduction to the hows and whys of carbon footprinting by Shaun Bainbridge, Director at CICS, Jason Monckton, Sustainability Manager at 3663, gave a talk about the value producing a sustainability report brings to their business.  Jason was followed by Dr Andy Smith, Head of Sustainability & Construction Materials, at Ceram, who talked about what’s on the horizon for sustainability reporting.  In particular, he talked about Environmental Product Declarations and how these are gaining ground as a standardised channel for quantifying environmental reporting.

After the presentations, the delegates split into three groups and considered the following questions:
• Other than carbon, what environmental criteria are seen as important to monitor (and
possibly report) by your stakeholders?
• What are the advantages and disadvantages of reporting carbon emissions?
• If the UK were to withdraw from the EU, what part should environmental reporting
play in our own legislation?

To find out more about CICS, to register to receive regular updates and to download their guide on carbon reporting visit or follow them @cicsglobal.
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